Social Media

How Your Dropshipping Business Can Use Pinterest to Your Advantage

When you say “social media marketing,” the first thing that comes to most people’s minds would be Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These social networks are so popular among consumers and businesses alike because they work. Likes and shares actually convert to sales. This is especially true for dropshipping companies.

What not a lot of people don’t know though is that other less popular social media sites can also convert to sales. One of the most underrated social media platforms that can make a world of difference in your marketing efforts today is Pinterest.

Why use Pinterest to your advantage

A lot of businesses don’t see Pinterest as a valuable marketing tool simply because it’s a female-dominated platform. If you’ve been ignoring this social media site, then you can be committing an expensive marketing mistake.

Today, Pinterest is the fifth most used social media platform with an estimated 700 million visitors every month. It boasts over 322 million profiles as of 2020. It also has a high engagement rate since the site is considered a visual search engine, which means that this platform can help businesses reach their target audience and direct traffic back to their own websites. And when it comes to generating social media referral traffic, Pinterest comes second to Facebook.

With Pinterest, users, or “pinners” can share visuals through various images from all over the internet. This makes this social media site the biggest search engine for visual content. Pinners can “pin” images and organize them into virtual bulletin boards called pinboards. They then have the option to share the pinboards publicly or not. With public boards, other users can repin them and share them through their feed.

Research shows that 93% of active Pinterest users use this platform to plan for future purchases. This means that a huge percentage of people on this social network is there to buy a product. So by pinning images of your products, you are creating educational content that helps people plan their purchases.

Promoted pins have been proven to be highly effective in marketing towards a targeted demographic. In fact, 50% of pinners buy a product after seeing a promoted pin on their feeds. Dropshipping businesses can get more out of this platform and get a high conversion rate by making Pinterest marketing an integral part of their mobile marketing strategy.

To simply put it, Pinterest allows people to share ideas through visuals, making it a highly effective marketing tool that can get the word out about your business dropshipping products and services.

How to leverage Pinterest marketing

If you want to succeed with your Pinterest marketing strategy for your dropshipping company, you must go beyond having an awesome profile and company description.

Here’s how you can tap into a wider audience through Pinterest marketing.

  1. Set up your business account.
    This is, of course, the first step you need to take to take full advantage of this social media platform. Make sure your Pinterest account relates to your business name to ensure that followers will easily find you on this platform. Choose a profile picture that’s relevant to your dropshipping business, like your brand logo. Create a description that’s unique and catchy. Don’t forget to link your website address in the profile section to help users find you online.
  2. Integrate Pinterest with other social media accounts.
    Aside from linking your website address to your Pinterest account, you also need to integrate this site with your other social media accounts to help the target audience locate you.

Add save and follow buttons on your site to help visitors follow you on Pinterest easily. Add a Pin Widget to your store’s site to drive more traffic. Use the Board Widget to display up to 30 pins from your Pinterest account on your dropshipping site.

  1. Optimize your dropshipping site.
    To ensure that your Pinterest account will direct users to your store and vice-versa, you need to make sure that you only add content and images that are relevant to your niche. Embed Pinterest images on your blog content so people easily pin your pictures. Images should be of high quality and attention-grabbing to entice them to pin them straight away. Content should also make your target audience want to explore your profile more. Aside from that, it should be informative and useful to make users want to keep coming back to your profile. In other words, images should be visually captivating to inspire users to make a purchase from your store.

There are many ways to increase your brand following and increase your sales. You need to think outside the box and take advantage of different marketing strategies to maximize your digital marketing efforts. By using Pinterest marketing, you are not only increasing brand awareness but also increasing your conversion rate by bringing what people want – a convenient way to plan purchases.