So we all know you love to get updates on what is trending . So in this post I am going to give you the best trending products we have on the app.
First and foremost upfront is the Remote Control Wall Climbing Car. This thing is on fire and we have plenty of stock available for this. Just search app for the RC wall climbing car and get selling.

Next up on the list in second place are our music boxes. Now we only made these available last week and already people smashing them out left right and center. Again just search music box in app. We have one to suit everyone from mums to grandmothers.

Next in 3rd we have our awesome heated gloves that sell really well this time of year. Just so you know we ship these from USA for USA orders.

This is coming up fast as going to be the new front runner with how we are seeing its sales pick up 2 in 1 Smart Gesture Transforming Car. These are amazing kids gifts for Christmas

This little beauty is doing well at the moment our Pocket watch for father to give to there sons. What a great gesture for Christmas morning.

That’s all for today everyone hope it helps you find that item to smash it out in Q4
Team DropHippo out.