Ok so for me as I am bald then my hair won’t stand on end but it does make my new beard tingle!
Let’s be honest – being on lockdown is hard and boring. Now hands up who has been extremely lazy thinking it will pass quickly and get back to work? Don’t lie I know a lot of you got your hands up.
So in this article I am going to go over how to kill off that boredom and also show how you can get some free courses that will certify you upon completion and show you have a qualification but more than that – knowledge. Just in case you don’t get it here is Tia telling you all
As always, we will gear this towards what will help you in the Ecom world.
So, lets get started. Here I am going to list 5 courses that will help you in your journey in Ecommerce.
1: The Facebook Blueprint course.
This one covers everything you need to know if you are a beginner or even advanced marketer. Sometimes refreshing what you have previously learned is great.
This is for the normal Blueprint course https://www.facebook.com/business/learn
This one is more advanced and well worth looking into if you have completed the first one https://www.facebookblueprint.com/student/catalog?
You can learn how to just use Business Manager or go deeper and learn about growing Instagram.
And it is all free with a nice certification at the end.
2: Email marketing yes, I hear you groan…but it is essential to learn this and best practice needed to be successful. So I have chosen the Hubspot one. Not because I just use Hubspot but I know it will provide in depth content and be delivered in an easy and useable format.
This email marketing course will teach you how to create an email marketing strategy that grows your business and your career. From contact management and segmentation to email deliverability and analysing your email sends, you’ll learn how to build an email marketing strategy that is both human and helpful as well as building trust with your contacts.
3: Google Analytics. The one thing you should all be using in your campaigns and also help measure your stats. Yep there is a course for this also. So lets go!
Analytics Academy helps you learn about Google’s measurement tools so that you can grow your business through intelligent data collection and analysis.
They have a total of 6 courses that are all good so if you really want to increase your Google knowledge dive right in.
4: Digital marketing, something we all do every day. So this is free for now but I am not sure for how long. They have 6 courses to choose from and again all related to what we do in this digital marketing world.
5: I’ve saved the best till last. We are always looking for a new VA or wanting to hire our first one and some don’t know where to start. So with this it will help you put in a process you should go through with prospective candidates.
I really hope this helps you all out in lockdown and expanding or refreshing the knowledge you already have.
Just want to thank Tia Lopez for helping me with the word “Knowledge” or I would been lost.
Happy learning from the DropHippo Team.